Sunday, February 21, 2010

Logos Bible Camp

A couple weeks ago I went to Bible camp with my school. All of Logos High School students are required to attend a week long camp 6 hours north of Phnom Penh. The camp was Jombak Hoas and we participated in low and high rope courses. We were split intogroups and participated in the activities in our groups. We repelled off of trees and swung on a gian swing, but also did activities that required teamwork to accomplish the goal. My favorite activity was the giant swing. I was nervous, but it was really fun. My favorite low ropes activity was called the dancing cable, where we relied on our teammates and trees to get across a long cable. We also did a compass walk through the jungle. My team came in fourth out of five teams after missing a trail and deciding to just go straight through the jungle. It was good that a camp leader was close behind us.

The camp was in the woods and much quieter than Phnom Penh, very refreshing. We slept in hammocks or bungalows. I chose a bungalow, which had many geckos, the large kind that we don't have at our house. Some girls were so afriad that they called guys in every night to scare them away. The bathrooms had many spiders.

One night the teachers had a special surprise for us. The freshmen were asked to perform their "tribal dance." Supposedly every grade does this. Not true. After performing our tribal dance we were told there was no such thing. Freshmen initiation.

We had devotions in the morning and evening, did activities duing the day and hung out the rest of the time. The theme of the camp was sacrificial service and the teachers led devotions on that theme. One day we went and built toilets for a local village.

All together it was a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. It looks like you had a good time. You are missing all the snow here in PA. No school again today. This one gets tacked on to the end of school and Easter vacation is now down to one day. You are blessed to be in a warm climate. I'm obviously jealous.

    Mrs. Cosey
